Multiple Item (Loop) Updating - InfoPath Dev

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Multiple Item (Loop) Updating

Last post 01-19-2018 10:19 AM by Curtis. 0 replies.
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  • 01-19-2018 10:19 AM

    Multiple Item (Loop) Updating

    To date I have been working with SP10. We have recently migrated to SP13. I have a systems list (by Location No.), with certain columns (Last Inspected and Reported By), that are auto-updated through a SP workflow when a web based InfoPath form is submitted by the user.

    In SP10 I would use the list Asset ID No. column (these numbers are not repeated), as the unique value to search for when updating 'Inspection Date' and 'Reported By' columns through the workflow. However, there are times when there are multiple Assets at a single Location, and each of those Assets should be updated as a result of that single web based form submittal action. This was not possible in SP10; the workflow would update the first Asset is come across at that Location, and I would have to manually update the rest.

     It is my understanding that SP13 has a 'Loop' process that will allow the workflow to go through a list more than once, performing all associated and appropriate updates based on a unique value every time it appears.

     Can someone provide clarification on this issue, and provide guidance on how to best achieve my goal through a workflow. 


    Vehicle          Lic. No.         Date Last Inspected          Inspected By          (Comment) 

     Ford             123VB3V                  11-15-16                        Y Bear                  When a inspection report for Ford is uploaded a single workflow should trigger and update the Date and Report By data on the first three lines.

                                                                                                                              Right now, under SP10, only the first line is updated. The other three have to be manually updated. 

     Ford             2HFT45R                  8-23-17                         Y Bear 

     Ford             4UYET67                  2-11-17                         B Bear

     Dodge          65TEP39                  5-27-17                         Y Bear 

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