Infopath form error from one computer (.xsn?SaveLocation…) - InfoPath Dev

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Infopath form error from one computer (.xsn?SaveLocation…)

Last post 07-20-2010 03:45 PM by Hilary Stoupa. 4 replies.
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  • 07-19-2010 10:46 AM

    Infopath form error from one computer (.xsn?SaveLocation…)

    I have a SharePoint site with about 7 InfoPath form templates on it. Clients create new forms from that template and save it onto the site. They then create a workflow for other users to approve.

    I started noticing some of Forms were not loading correctly, and no one would approve them. I was able to narrow it down to a single issue in the infopath .xml.

    The href parameter in the xml should say something like: (replacing URL with [SharePoint URL] for client privacy)

    href="http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%20Templates/Payment%20Request.xsn" but instead it says:

    href="http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%20Templates/Payment%20Request.xsn?SaveLocation=http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%20Forms/&Source=http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%2520Forms/Forms/MyItems.aspx&OpenIn=PreferClient&NoRedirect=true&XsnLocation=http://[SharePoint URL]/InfoPath%20Templates/Payment%20Request.xsn"

    I was able to narrow this down to a single user on a single machine. If he moves to another machine it stops doing it, and if another user goes to his machine it does not do it.

    I have cleared his InfoPath Cache. I have removed the saved InfoPath forms out of the InfoPath application, but I cant seem to find the solution to fix this, without having to erase his profile and create a new one on the machine.

    Any suggestions?
  • 07-20-2010 05:15 AM In reply to

    Re: Infopath form error from one computer (.xsn?SaveLocation…)

     Have you compared the machine that's failing to the machines that work? Look out for things like Office/InfoPath service packs and Internet Explorer version.

    Ernesto Machado
    Qdabra® Software/
    The InfoPath Experts – Streamline data gathering to turn process into knowledge.™

  • 07-20-2010 08:11 AM In reply to

    Re: Infopath form error from one computer (.xsn?SaveLocation…)

    I have to remote into this machine to do work on it, so its hard to find time to really troubleshoot.

    Could it be a service pack or IE issue if it only happens to the single profile on that machine? When someone else logs in to the machine it does not have the issue.

    Do you know of any sneaky preferences or settings I should look for? Could something go into the registry for that profile?

    When I have a chance I will try to compare versions and service packs. Hopefully it jumps out at me when I dive into the machine a little more. (just dont know where to dive!)

  • 07-20-2010 02:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Infopath form error from one computer (.xsn?SaveLocation…)

    I found the solution for this problem. I figured I would post it here just incase google leads another poor sharepoint user, with this problem, to this topic.

    There is an Internet Explorer add-on that somehow got disabled on the clients machine. SharepointOpenXMLDocuments.

    I have no idea how it got disabled, but once I reenabled it, everything started to work correctly. Who knows the real reason this happened, but here is the solution!

  • 07-20-2010 03:45 PM In reply to

    Re: Infopath form error from one computer (.xsn?SaveLocation…)

    Thanks so much for posting your resolution! I'm sure this is going to spare someone else some time troubleshooting.

    Hilary Stoupa

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