Workflow is emailing multiple people- need multiple approvals before proceeding - InfoPath Dev

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Workflow is emailing multiple people- need multiple approvals before proceeding

Last post 02-06-2025 02:43 PM by Hilary Stoupa. 5 replies.
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  • 02-06-2025 11:53 AM

    Workflow is emailing multiple people- need multiple approvals before proceeding

    I have built a procedure review form that (per the workflow) is sent to email 4 individuals when the initial review is submitted. How would I go about making sure that all 4 people have reviewed the procedure, and the workflow can continue on to the Director for approval? Im lost on how I could manipulate that on either the workflow or the InfoPath form?
  • 02-06-2025 12:00 PM In reply to

    Re: Workflow is emailing multiple people- need multiple approvals before proceeding

    Oh, I'd probably track it all in the form. When one of the reviewers opens the form, have them indicate that they've reviewed it (click a button or something) and in the logic on submit, check to see how many have reviewed. Set another helper field to true when all reviews are completed, and then use that in your workflow?
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 02-06-2025 01:08 PM In reply to

    Re: Workflow is emailing multiple people- need multiple approvals before proceeding

    thank you, that's what I was thinking too. Also, if the initial person attachs a word document ( for review) and others open it within the workflow process and add track changes to it. Can it be repeatably saved within the form? or does the person reviewing need to save it to their computer, remove the attachment and add theirs? Hoping there is an easy answer, so I don't have to build this all out and test. Big picture I'm trying to build my own "Collect feedback" workflow, I've used the template in SharePoint and I don't like it much, I want to make it more customizable. Do you think I'm on the right path to accomplish this?
  • 02-06-2025 02:13 PM In reply to

    Re: Workflow is emailing multiple people- need multiple approvals before proceeding

    InfoPath is not going to let you edit the word doc in place - They will have to save locally and re-attach. Another option might be to have them add a link to the word doc instead so that users can just click the link and work in Word online....
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 02-06-2025 02:39 PM In reply to

    Re: Workflow is emailing multiple people- need multiple approvals before proceeding

    That’s a great idea! Where would you house the word document? Within a sharepoint library? Or in a shared drive?
  • 02-06-2025 02:43 PM In reply to

    Re: Workflow is emailing multiple people- need multiple approvals before proceeding

    In a SharePoint library - I don't know what version of SharePoint you are using, but I'm guessing not Online if you are creating SharePoint Designer workflows. You may or may not have Word available in the browser - but if they link to a Word doc on SharePoint then it will at least save to the same location, etc. And you can have versioning turned on in the library....
    Hilary Stoupa

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