I have a form. It is a little complex. I received a lot of information from the previous IT company that supported it. There is a SOAP API that gets employee information. That is used on the form load to populate the fields in the form. That works just fine. But when I submit the form I am only doing a small test right now with hiding the submit button and making some fields read-only. And that is not working. Under the Form Submit tab on the RUles ribbon, I have added three rules
1) Set variable submitted = "1" This will make the boolean true
2) Submit data using data connection to SharePoint Library.
3) Change view.
The form after clicking submit does not change the view. It submits the form but then opening that form from the list I am able to make edits on the fields I wanted as read-only and I can submit it again. It does not create a new item it just updated the previous one.