Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form - InfoPath Dev

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Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

Last post 02-19-2021 11:44 AM by Hilary Stoupa. 81 replies.
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  • 03-17-2020 09:29 AM

    Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    Hi everyone, i can tell you, I am totally desperated about my Infopath form for my sharepoint list. What I want to do with it: With my form I want to add multiple items (rows) to my sharepoint list. I have my base data of my work package (called Basisdaten) which includes a lot of work tasks (called Tätigkeiten). I managed to insert these multiple sections. When I want to add a new work task to my work package, I will click on “insert item”. I managed to do this with the “preceding-sibling” so that my base data is the same for every row added. 1. Is it possible to click on “insert item” without duplicating my base data. I just want another row for my new work task. 2. When I want to view an work package, it'll only show that specific section (work task). I want to view all the sections just like how I filled it out. Is that possible? I have added pictures and the infopath data for more information. Thank you so much!!!! Best regards! Jasmin
  • 03-17-2020 09:44 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    Hi - I think to a certain extent you do need to repeat your base data, because that is just the way list items are structured. Each row has to stand on its own, and the list form can only submit to a single list. In your attached template, I only see one view, and don't see any preceding-sibling formatting. Is the template you attached your latest version? In general, I only show the first instance when I want all the rows submitted to have the same "parent" data and then use submit rules to set all instances to the first... But I might need a bit more info on what's going wrong. So - if you can post some screenshots, that would be great. Just attach one pic per post. And we have limits on one post per minute from an IP to prevent SPAM, so don't post too quickly or you'll end up in the moderation queue. :)
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 03-17-2020 09:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    WOW thank you so much for looking at my problem :) Here come my screenshots: 1. This is my form in Sharepoint when I want to add a new item to my list
  • 03-17-2020 10:00 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    2. After I have clicked on new item in my form the form duplicates the base date (which I did with the perceedin sibling formula). So I can add a new work task which belongs to the same work package. Is it possible to set a rule, so that the form not displays the same data multiple times when I want to add an item?
  • 03-17-2020 10:01 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    3. After adding a new item I have to possibility to insert an new work task (here it is called Work task 2)
  • 03-17-2020 10:04 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    4. After I have submitted the form in my SP list and I want to edit a work package, the form displays only one work task (of the row, i clicked on). Is it possible to show all items added just as I filled it?
  • 03-17-2020 10:05 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    Whoops, I was item 2 here - I think I'd start with a formatting rule on the parent section to hide it, using the expression: count(preceding-sibling::my:SharePointListItem_RW) > 0
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 03-17-2020 10:10 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    Answering question 4 now - I think you'll need to query the main data source to get all the related tasks.... so, hopefully title is unique (or some combination of the parent data is unique? Maybe you'll need to add an identifier of some kind that you use for everything submitted together?) You'll see in your main data source that there are query fields. I'd try setting the Title query field to the Title of the currently opened item and then query the main data source and see what happens. While you are working on this, just put a button on the form that you can use to run the query, and maybe put the query fields on the form too so you can see what works. Then, eventually, you can move the rules to the Form Load rules... but there isn't any reason to work blind, so put everything on the form now and you can clean it up later. :)
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 03-18-2020 07:31 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    Hilary, thank you so much...everything worked out now! Again, thank you so much!! One last question. After I have added several itmes (work tasks), I want one field in my form which calculates the hours of all items I have added. I have tried it (I uploaded it), but it only counts the hours of one row and then creates another calculating row which again calculates only the new added row. I hope, i could make myself clear :) Best wishes and thank you again!
  • 03-18-2020 08:03 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

     Add a calculated value control outside of any of the existing repeating sections on your form and set the value to:


    For example. Basically, you want to be outside of all the repeating sections so that when you create the "sum" formula, the XPath will include all instances of the repeating node.... make sense? 

    Hilary Stoupa

  • 03-19-2020 06:31 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    I think we almost got it. Ive added a calculating fiel. But if I type in my data It calculates something really strange
  • 03-19-2020 06:34 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    But after I have added a new item, it calculates correctly. I dont know where this is coming from. Thanks your your help!
  • 03-19-2020 08:01 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    Could you attach your latest template to a reply so I can take a look? :)
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 03-19-2020 10:35 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    Here is my file :) Thank you!
  • 03-19-2020 11:31 AM In reply to

    Re: Repeating sections / displaying all added items/rows of my SP list in my infopath form

    So - yeah, that seems weird. Your form seems right. You might want to try adjusting postback on the textbox where you are entering the data, see if that fixes it.
    Hilary Stoupa

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