I was very excited on the prospect of displaying Charts on an InfoPath after seeing this video
I jumped up & down when I got my first chart on the form. That party came crashing when I realized the URL length limits at 255 chars.
I use an Excel chart model and passing values from another data source to graph.
I looked all over to find out the way to bypass, but doesn't look like I could. So now I have to ration the naming and ranges.
I created SD folder in lieu of Shared%20Documents
EC.xlsx for ExcelCharts.xlsx
CB for ChartBudget etc
My QUESTION: is there way to cut down the repeating of 'ranges'?
For example:
I would like to combine to something similar to this: Ranges('A1|A3|A5')=2018,2019,2020
Is it POSSIBLE? Please show me a miracle :)