How to deal with IP linked image (Excel REST WS) limit 255 chars URL - InfoPath Dev

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How to deal with IP linked image (Excel REST WS) limit 255 chars URL

Last post 05-14-2019 08:01 AM by NathanWynn. 3 replies.
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  • 05-11-2019 06:02 PM

    How to deal with IP linked image (Excel REST WS) limit 255 chars URL


    I was very excited on the prospect of displaying Charts on an InfoPath after seeing this video

    I jumped up & down when I got my first chart on the form. That party came crashing when I realized the URL length limits at 255 chars.

    I use an Excel chart model and passing values from another data source to graph.

    I looked all over to find out the way to bypass, but doesn't look like I could. So now I have to ration the naming and ranges.

    I created SD folder in lieu of Shared%20Documents 

    EC.xlsx for ExcelCharts.xlsx

    CB for ChartBudget etc

    My QUESTION: is there way to cut down the repeating of 'ranges'?

    For example:


    I would like to combine to something similar to this: Ranges('A1|A3|A5')=2018,2019,2020

    Is it POSSIBLE? Please show me a miracle :)
  • 05-13-2019 01:10 PM In reply to

    Re: How to deal with IP linked image (Excel REST WS) limit 255 chars URL


  • 05-13-2019 03:31 PM In reply to

    Re: How to deal with IP linked image (Excel REST WS) limit 255 chars URL

    Sorry - I don't really know of a way to do this. Is the sample you are showing representative of your actual data? Could it be the user could just pass in a start year, and you could use formulas in Excel to populate additional fields with that year incremented?
    Hilary Stoupa

  • 05-14-2019 08:01 AM In reply to

    Re: How to deal with IP linked image (Excel REST WS) limit 255 chars URL

    It's not possible as we are not setting values back to Excel WB in SP. There is no data connection and we use Excel REST service to just use the Chart model and the model graphs on the value we pass in the URL. So it could gets lengthy, but the linked Image only read upto 255 chars.

    The simplified sample is representative of actual. I have seen reference of multiple range name in 1 ranges(). Example: Ranges('A1'|'A3') etc, but I don't know how to assign the values. Ranges('A1') = 1000 is easy, but Ranges('A1'|'A3') = ? how to assign 1000 to A1 and 2000 to A3 is the issue. No luck on my end in term of that.

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