Visual Studio / breakpoints - InfoPath Dev

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Visual Studio / breakpoints

Last post 08-31-2006 09:52 AM by Simon2008. 5 replies.
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  • 06-02-2006 07:01 AM

    • wlevy
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    • Joined on 05-25-2006
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    Visual Studio / breakpoints

    I've done a thorough search on this and can't find a solution. I'm using the InfoPath Toolkit for VS2005 to write managed code for my form. The problem is that I can't get the debugger to stop on breakpoints. I am building in debug mode, tried deleting the rebuilding the .pdb file in the /Debug folder. When I preview the form with Alt-Shift-F, the debugger does not stop on breakpoints. When I Attach to the InfoPath process (specifying Managed Code), I can no longer use Alt-Shift-F to preview, and I get the indicator on my breakpoint line saying "No symbols have been loaded for this document." I don't know what I'm missing here. Any ideas?

  • 06-02-2006 11:19 AM In reply to

    Re: Visual Studio / breakpoints

    Where are your breakpoints located? In the OnLoad event handler or elsewhere?
  • 06-03-2006 11:55 AM In reply to

    Re: Visual Studio / breakpoints

    The first thought that comes to mind is...

    Make sure you truly have your Configuration set to Debug (Build --> Configuration Menu...).
    I know you mentioned above that you do, but that gets me everytime after deploying in Release.

    If that doesn't work, try Cleaning your project (right-click your project file name in Solution Explorer and clicking Clean).

    I have had some wierd things happen to me also. One in particular is my OnAfterChange Event not firing upon first loading the default view. If I switch views and come back it fires fine. It's driving me crazy in not knowing why this is happening.
    Good luck in figuring your issue out.
  • 07-16-2006 03:21 PM In reply to

    • garym
    • Top 500 Contributor
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    Re: Visual Studio / breakpoints

    Did anyone find a solution to this problem??


    Originally posted by wlevy

    I've done a thorough search on this and can't find a solution.

    I'm using the InfoPath Toolkit for VS2005 to write managed code for my form. The problem is that I can't get the debugger to stop on breakpoints. I am building in debug mode, tried deleting the rebuilding the .pdb file in the /Debug folder. When I preview the form with Alt-Shift-F, the debugger does not stop on breakpoints. When I Attach to the InfoPath process (specifying Managed Code), I can no longer use Alt-Shift-F to preview, and I get the indicator on my breakpoint line saying "No symbols have been loaded for this document." I don't know what I'm missing here. Any ideas?


  • 07-18-2006 10:09 AM In reply to

    Re: Visual Studio / breakpoints

    Here's what I do to debug forms in IP.

    1. Make sure you are in Debug build mode.
    2. Close any open "previews" of the form. (I don't think this is absolutely necessary)
    3. Open the Solution Explorer
    4. Click on the Form Project icon (two "folders" above FormCode.cs)
    5. Press F5

    This will open a preview of the form and start the FormCode.cs in debug mode. This works for me everytime, I hope it helps you out!
    Matt Faus / Microsoft InfoPath MVP
    Qdabra® Software / Streamline data gathering to turn process into knowledge
  • 08-31-2006 09:52 AM In reply to

    Re: Visual Studio / breakpoints

    Hi Wlevy,

    Check to see if your user account is in Debugger Users group.

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