email link - InfoPath Dev

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email link

Last post 07-29-2005 01:08 AM by Patrick Halstead. 7 replies.
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  • 07-27-2005 02:24 PM

    email link

    what i mean by the link is .. i have a form on sharpoint website when i fill out the form and click on send email button which i have on the form it shouldnt send the entire form .. wat it usually does is it send the entire form .. but wat i want it is to send a email saying there is form in this location on the website plz review it and send the link in the email .. can it be done..

  • 07-27-2005 04:06 PM In reply to

    Hi Sunil,

    Sorry, but I meant to post download questions here. The e-mail link question is a generic InfoPath question. Anyway, no big deal.

    To remove the attachment, go into the Tools->Data Connections and Modify the e-mail submit. Delete the Attachment Name.

    To add the link you'll have to write an OnSubmit event handler and edit the text for the e-mail body to add the link. This is more work, but it's quite doable and we have done it a lot.

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
  • 07-28-2005 05:24 AM In reply to

    thanks pat ..
    pat yeah i deleted the attachement and i have one more question infact 2 more .. the first one is .. can u tell me the way to send the email as an attchement itself with out actually pre defining the email address.. u know wat i mean .. when u click on send email button on the form it opens up outlook express and the entire form as attachment and i should typt the to address everytime ..i hope this makes things a bit clear .. and my other question is about the onsubmit event handler i am new to infoapath and i would be glad if u can just guide me step by step regarding that ..

    thanks ,
  • 07-28-2005 10:08 AM In reply to

    Hi Sunil,
    You will need to write code to manually create an envelope and use Outlook's OM to add the info to the e-mail container.

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
  • 07-28-2005 11:04 AM In reply to

    hey pat.. thats not what i meant ..wat i want was if u open a form in design mode for example issue tracking detailed form which is already built in infopath and when u preview it and when u click on send email it opens up out look and attaches the form in it and there we can type the email address .. but when i configure it i have to predefine the to address which i dont want .. plz help me on this ..

    thanks ,
  • 07-28-2005 11:51 AM In reply to

    Hi Sunil,
    For security reasons, InfoPath doesn't support allowing you to specify recipients via the dialog. You can use code to add people to the sender list. To get the same functionality as Outlook, you'll have to call Outlook.

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
  • 07-28-2005 12:27 PM In reply to

    hey pat u r just not getting my question here is wat i want
    when configuring the submit command window, i want the submit command to submit an emil but i want the user to be able to enter the emai address himself and the submit action parameters currently request and email address where this form would be mailes. how can i change the action to enable a blank To field on the email?

  • 07-29-2005 01:08 AM In reply to

    Hi Sunil,
    Sorry for the confusion, but I still don't understand what you want. There are many ways to do this. You can have a field in the form that you use to add people to the Cc: line and then you can use the fX button to specify the text field containing the Cc: people.

    However, due to security, the e-mail dialog doesn't allow you to enter aliases at submit time.

    Patrick Halstead [InfoPath MVP]
    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
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