Problem with ribbon submit button and views - InfoPath Dev

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Problem with ribbon submit button and views

Last post 07-28-2013 11:49 AM by Patrick Halstead. 1 replies.
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  • 07-23-2013 10:30 AM

    Problem with ribbon submit button and views

    I am using Infopath 2010 and I have a form that has three views. When the first person clicks the submit button (rules and code with a rule to submit data to an email address) it closes and sends to the next person who has the second view and then the same process happens again. All the buttons are rules and code. I have turned off "Allow users to submit." In outlook, when the first user fills out the form in the first view there is no submit button in the ribbon and it emails to the right person and closes as it should. Everything is as planned. I don't know if it matters but this is not the default view. "Save and Save As" are also turned off.

    The problem arises in the second and third views. In the second and third views the submit button shows up in the ribbon (it has an error when you click it) and if you exit it asks you if you want to submit the form which would just confuse things for the user. If I allow users to submit and uncheck the submit button on the ribbon function the button doesn't show up but it still asks you if you would like to submit. All I want is no submit button in the ribbon and no asking if I want to submit. It works on the first view so I don't see why it shouldn't on the others. If anyone has any ideas on how to remedy this I would appreciate it. I realize I might just have to add some sort of actual submit button but the form should work as it is.


  • 07-28-2013 11:49 AM In reply to

    Re: Problem with ribbon submit button and views

    That's weird. It shouldn't be view specific. Is this the browser? If so, have you tried just turning off the ribbon altogether. We recommend doing that to reduce user confusion about what to do.

    The other workaround would be to use one view with hide-show sections. You can copy your existing views into the main view and add conditional formatting to hide them. The other benefit of having everything in the main view is that you have one place to go to make changes (and it's faster since you don't have to switch views - although in your case that isn't an issue). The downside is for large forms the browser may not be able to process a view >20 pages.


    Patrick Halstead
    Project Manager at Qdabra
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