Thanks for your suggestions. As I am just trying to display whether or not the features are available based on a search I have started using expression boxes to display text.. ie Internet Available. Then I set the the conditional formatting on the expression box to be visible or not based on the value of the yes/no column.
I would like to figure out why I am not able to get the checkbox working so I will go back to that problem on Tuesday but for now I can move on and display the data in a different way. I will try using a calculated column in my sharepoint list, that may simplify things.
Is it possible to create a field that captures the Yes/No data and stores it as a more workable value, then use that value to generate a checkbox... out of curiosity.
Also, is there a good site for Infopath tutorials.
Thanks for your help, I will touch back on Tuesday after I have played around with the checkbox problem again.