Update Repeating Field from repeating table - InfoPath Dev

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Update Repeating Field from repeating table

Last post 07-20-2010 10:57 PM by Jimmy. 2 replies.
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  • 07-20-2010 05:35 PM

    Update Repeating Field from repeating table

    Hi Everyone,

    I have a repeating table with many different drop down menus, and those menu's contains a few different options.

    I have created a repeating text field, and I want to push data from the different drop down menu's into the repeating text field, and each time data is pushed to the text field, it will automatically create a new row in the repeating text field.

    Using rules I can push data to the text field but it doesn't create a new row, it only overwrites the data that already exists there.  I can also use the 'concat' function to push multiple pieces of Data to a single non repeating text field, but I want to separate each new piece of data into rows.

    Is there any way I can do this without code?

    I hope this makes sense, Thanks in advance.

  • 07-20-2010 05:52 PM In reply to

    Re: Update Repeating Field from repeating table

    For something unrelated, I am using the following function in a field to insert multiple pieces of data:

    concat(SelectedAbilityClient-s, ", ", .)

    Basically what it is doing is taking the current value of a text field, and adding to it separating the data with a comma.  Instead of separating with a comma can I put in a carrage return so that the data instead of appearing like this:

    "Name 1, Name 2, name 3"

    will appear like this:

    "Name 1
    Name 2
    Name 3"

    Thanks in advance.

  • 07-20-2010 10:57 PM In reply to

    Re: Update Repeating Field from repeating table

    It's not possible to add rows to a table using only InfoPath's built-in features, but it's quite easy to do if you have Qdabra's qRules!

    Jimmy Rishe / Software Developer / Microsoft MVP
    Qdabra Software
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