I found this article very useful and was exactly what I was looking for.
but, I've tried to expand on this without success.
I have an access list, based on the above link, that has two columns in it:
NOTE: The above link only had the AdminUser, I added the AccessType which would have data like AccessLevel1; AccessLevel2, etc.
Again following the instructions in the above article I got this all to work, but when I tried to have the AdminUser AccessType added to a field in the MAIN data field, it won't copy it for the current user.
I can do a AccessType = AccessType, but that brings back the first records fom the access list, AccessType not the current users.
On form load I did try to added an additional Run these actions "Set a Fields value: Field: AccessType Value: AccessType[ID=AccessType]" but does not work either.
I have put the IsAdmin / CurrentUser / AccessType on the form so I can see what data is being carried over as well. IsAdmin is a field in the MAIN data that I add to add per the above article link.
I searched google and I just can't find a resolution, that I can do. I did find the following, but I don't have access to the http://<Your Web App>/_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx; so I can't make this work either.
Have deleted and recreated the rules several times trying to get this work as well.
I'm hoping someone has a simple answer.
Thanks for your time.